Providing Tactical Operations
The Special Operations Group (SOG) is a High-Risk Warrant Team, federally recognized as a S.W.A.T. Level III Team. It is comprised of officers who are specially trained in tactical operations. The members are made up of volunteers from the department's sworn officers. Before induction in the group, officers must meet and maintain various requirements: physical agility, firearms proficiency, and advanced tactical update training.
The team as a whole is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) and has received training in:
- High-risk warrant service
- Hostage rescue
- Response to active shootings
- Anti-terrorist tactics
The members are frequently called upon to assist with the arrest of violent offenders, enter and secure locations where narcotics are being stored, sold, or consumed, or provide their service in situations where the suspect is reasonably believed to be armed and/or dangerous. To date, the SOG has assisted many local, state, and federal jurisdictions with tactical operations.